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许 xu

Home Pinyin xu

不许 bùxǔ not allowed

或许 huòxǔ perchance; perhaps

默许 mòxǔ acquiesce; acquiesced; acquiescence; acquiescent; acquiescing; tacitly

少许 shǎoxǔ little

特许 tèxǔ franchisor

些许 xiēxǔ little

许多 xǔduō lot of; many

许多人 xǔduō rén many people

许久 xǔjiǔ for a long time

许可 xǔkě license

许诺 xǔnuò promise

许嵩 xǔ sōng xu wei

许下 xǔ xià make a decision

许许多多 xǔ xǔduō duō lot

许愿 xǔyuàn make a wish

也许 yěxǔ maybe

允许 yǔnxǔ allow; allowable; allowed; allows; permissible; permission; permitting

赞许 zànxǔ approbation; commendation

准许 zhǔnxǔ permitted

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